These are pictures of a Tawny Frogmouth [which I grew up calling a Mopoke -perhaps not one?]. They are members of the nightjar family, and are more closely related to kookaburras and kingfishers than to owls. They eat insects, worms, slugs and snails, small mammals, reptiles, frogs and birds. Their eyes face sideways not the front like an owl. They are not found in Tasmania or desert country.
This bird was very accustomed to humans and this photowas taken in May 2005 about 200 meters from Gardiners Creek. I never saw one in the city before. As a kid I saw them in the bush around Lysterfield Resevoir but I never saw another until this one. I have not seen him since. Photo taken at dusk. I have heard he lives in a tree in the next street - much closer to the creek.
Paperbark Titree that could hide a frogmouth - lots like this are near where this bird was sitting.