Sunday, June 21, 2009

Clifton Hugh's Dunmoochin - now an artists retreat near Cottles Bridge, Arthur's Creek, Strathewen, Diamond Creek.

The Dunmoochin Foundation artists retreat is about 43 KM north east of Melbourne, Victoria. This was set up by Clifton Pugh before his death in 1990 to provide residencies at his heavily treed bush property for artists, writers, sculptors and conservationists. It was not affected by Black Saturday bush fires which raged as close as 12 km away but left a big impression on the artists in residence who all left the area well before.

It is not easy to find at 105 Barreenong Road, down a gravel track labelled Fire Access Only. This "road" is off the Strathewan / Arthurs Creek, Whittlesea Road is off the Kinglake - Heidelberg road. See and

Dunmoochin art centre Cottles Bridge near Kinglake Hurstbridge

Recorder Players in Hall ... Carved Emu eggs... Kangaroo with her joey drinking milk

in Hall.